The Committee will receive the papers as: full paper, presenting the results of theoretical or empirical scientific research with its foundations, conceptual basis, methodology, research data and data analysis or discussion.
The article should have between 10 and 15 pages and should include figures, tables, references and the author's identification page, as well as attached files.
Pages should be in A4 size, in a single column with top and left margins at 3 cm and bottom and right at 2 cm.
Paragraphs should be justified aligned, with the first line being 1.25 cm from the left margin, with 1.5 line spacing, and no space between paragraphs.
Font must be Times New Roman size 12 for the text, size 10 for graphics such as table, graphs, charts, and figures and for direct indenting quotes. Use italics only for foreign words.
Section titles should be placed to the left, sequentially numbered in Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3), with one blank line before and one after.
Articles should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines for citations and references.