
  • Estela Boiani UFSC
  • Armando Luciano Carvalho Agostini EGC – Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC, Brasil
  • Magda Camargo Lange Ramos EGC – Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC, Brasil
  • Arthur Philip Sanders Jr. EGC – Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC, Brasil
  • Acácia Rosar EGC – Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC, Brasil



Entrepreneurial Culture, Social Transformation, Creative Cities, Sustainability, Local Development


The entrepreneurial culture, driven by civil society, can be the key to this transformation. This paper explores civil society leadership as a promoter of local development through innovative initiatives, characterized by innovation, tolerance for failure, resilience, and collaboration. The role of Entrepreneurial Pedagogy lies in the formation of individuals capable of leading change, with various examples highlighting the importance of the Innovation Helix in connecting universities, businesses, government, and civil society. In the Results and Discussions section, the analysis of cases of transformed communities demonstrates the potential of entrepreneurial culture. It is concluded that entrepreneurial


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Author Biographies

Armando Luciano Carvalho Agostini, EGC – Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC, Brasil

PhD Candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Knowledge Engineering and Management at UFSC. Holds a Master’s Degree in Legal Sciences with dual certification from the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali) and the University of Alicante, Spain. Specialist in Environmental Law and Management from the Santa Catarina Higher Education Complex (Cesusc), with a focus on Higher Education Methodology, and also holds a Postgraduate (Lato sensu) Degree in Administrative Law and Public Administration (2006) from Cesusc. Holds a Law degree from the University of Southern Santa Catarina (Unisul) and a Bachelor’s/Licentiate degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Researcher at the Center for Studies in Intelligence, Management, and Technology for Innovation (IGTI) and the EntusIAstas Center, both within UFSC’s PPGEGC. Public Servant assigned to the Legislative Consultancy at Alesc and a licensed attorney registered with the OAB/SC 22460. Author of the books "Legislative Competency Sharing System in Environmental Matters Under the Aegis of Federalism" (1st ed., Florianópolis: Habitus Editora, 2021) and "Changes to the Environmental Code of the State of Santa Catarina" (Habitus Editora, 2022).

Magda Camargo Lange Ramos, EGC – Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC, Brasil

PhD in Knowledge Engineering and Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC (2012). Master's in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC (2003). Specialist in University Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC (2003). Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Library Science from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC (1977). Works as a documentary librarian at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC. Professor of Research Methodology and Advisor for Final Course Projects in the Higher Education Program in Industrial Production Management at SENAI/SC-São José.

Arthur Philip Sanders Jr., EGC – Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC, Brasil

A Data Science graduate with postgraduate studies in AI and Machine Learning, and an Executive MBA in ESG and Impact. He is an entrepreneur, consultant, and speaker on technological innovation, resource acquisition for innovation projects, and technological risk. He has led and authored several national and international innovation projects, holds patents, and is a member of INERGE. Former technology coordinator for Brazil's Project 14bis under the Ministry of Sports, he is now a researcher at LabCHIS, studying AI-based management models for Ubiquitous and Sustainable Cities.

Acácia Rosar, EGC – Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC, Brasil

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in English (1997) and Portuguese (2010) from UFSC, a postgraduate qualification in Forensic Computing and Digital Expertise (2022) from Universidade Anhanguera Uniderp, and a Master’s in English Language and Literature from UFSC (2001). She was awarded the Sinapse da Inovação Program in 2012 and the Innovation Plans Program Catalisa ICT in 2022. Former branch manager at Alterdata Software, one of Brazil's top 200 technology companies, and has taught at the Instituto de Ensino Superior da Grande Florianópolis and UNISUL. Her expertise spans IP and tech-based businesses (INPI), corpus linguistics, applied linguistics, and IT, focusing on foreign language teaching, corpus linguistics, computational linguistics, forensic computing, and innovation management.



How to Cite

Boiani, E., Carvalho Agostini, A. L., Camargo Lange Ramos, M., Sanders Jr., A. P. ., & Rosar, A. (2024). ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION: THE ROLE OF COOPERATION BETWEEN CIVIL SOCIETY, GOVERNMENT, AND ACADEMIA IN CREATING AN ENTREPRENEURIAL CULTURE. International Congress of Knowledge and Innovation - Ciki, 1(1).