
  • Leonardo L. L. de Lacerda EGC-UFSC
  • Ana Ester da Costa UFSC
  • Alexandre Augusto Biz UFSC
  • Roberto Carlos dos Santos Pacheco UFSC



knowledge roles, sustainable tourist destination, commons, integrative review.


The study contribute to the theme of sustainable tourism through knowledge from the perspective of sustainable Commons, exploring the literature to verify what are the necessary knowledge resources to achieve a sustainable tourist destination and that can be applied through the Management of Knowledge – GC. The methodology conducted was the integrative systematic review that allowed the identification of Roles of knowledge in the tourist common good. The categories analyzed were: to raising awareness about tourism; to educate and empower destination users; to value local identity; and to foster collective action. Each variable was characterized by subcategories. The results indicate that there is still a lack of sustained processes of creation and sharing of knowledge typical of KM. In the knowledge commons, the management of this resource can be the difference to make tourism focused on sustainability.


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Author Biographies

Ana Ester da Costa, UFSC

Doutoranda pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento (UFSC). Mestre em Administração pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - Centro de Ciências da Administração e Sócio-econômicas - UDESC/ESAG - sendo bolsista pelo Programa de Bolsas de Monitoria de Pós-Graduação - PROMOP/2014 - 2015. Especialista em Controladoria e Finanças pela Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências de Feira de Santana/ Bahia. Graduada em Administração - Gestão de Negócios pela Faculdades Integradas de Lages (2004). Pesquisadora do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em Inovações Sociais na Esfera Pública (NISP) até 2015. Professora tutora da Unisul Virtual - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina de 2016 a 2019. Tutora do curso de Administração modalidade à distância do Centro de Ciências da Administração - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, integrante do Programa da Universidade Aberta do Brasil de 2010 a 2019. Atuou como consultora para o Ministério de Educação de Angola na área de Recursos Humanos no projeto para Reconstrução de Angola atuando em Luanda como responsável entre 2008 e 2010 na Logística e Movimentação de brasileiros e cidadãos angolanos para a formação de profissionais de Educação para o ensino Médio dos Institutos Médios Politécnicos de Angola. Presidente da Comissão Interna de Prevenção - CIPA na gestão 2018/2019 da Universidade Sul de Santa Catarina. Professora Formadora UAB/CAPES, no curso de Administração Pública/ 2019, executado pelo Núcleo Universidade Aberta do Brasil/UFSC. Atualmente Doutoranda no programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Pesquisadora do Núcleo de Pesquisa/CNPq – Conhecimento, Aprendizagem e Memória Organizacional (KLOM).

Alexandre Augusto Biz, UFSC

Post-Doctoral Business CNPq held at the Stela Institute (2012) with project of Knowledge Management Platform for the Ministry of Tourism (MTur). Doctor in Engineering and Knowledge Management (UFSC, 2009) with project of "Evaluation of Government Tourist Portals in Support of Knowledge Management". Master in Tourism and Hospitality (UNIVALI, 2003) with project The Brazilian Travel Agencies in relation to information technology: the role of GDS? AMADEUS Global Distribution System in the activities of travel agencies. Graduated in Tourism and Hospitality (UNIVALI, 1996). Professor of the Department of Knowledge Engineering (dEGC) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). He worked at the Department of Tourism (DETUR) of the Federal University of Paraná between 2006 and 2017. He is a Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Tourism (PGTUR) at the Federal University of Paraná. Is leader of the Research Group TURITEC. Reviewer of newspapers in Administration, Tourism and Production Engineering. General Coordinator of the Brazil Spain Seminar on Technological Innovation in Tourism & IT - It develops research in information technology and communication and knowledge management in services (emphasis on tourism). It has research projects funded by CNPq, Araucária Foundation, UFPR and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID). Has experience in the management of undergraduate courses (coordination), in the evaluation of courses and institutional evaluation by the Ministry of Education (MEC / INEP). Ad Hoc Evaluator CNPq.

Roberto Carlos dos Santos Pacheco, UFSC

Roberto Carlos dos Santos Pacheco holds a Ph.D. in Production Engineering (UFSC, 1996). He is a professor at the Department of Knowledge Engineering at UFSC, where he was one of cofounders (in 2004) and latter coordinator of the Graduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management (EGC/UFSC). His research areas are e-government, strategic management of information and knowledge management and engineering. In the last 15 years he led several projects, including Lattes Platform (CNPq, 1997-2004), ScienTI Network (internationalization of the Lattes Platform in 11 countries, 2001-2003), Innovation Portal (CGEE/MCTI, since 2004); Portal SINAES (INEP/MEC, 2005-2007), public governance - Platform Aquarius (CGEE/MCTI, 2011-2013), National Portal of competences in health surveillance (DC-VISA - ANVISA, 2007), National Portal of competences in environmental education (DC-SIBEA - MMA , 2007) and system of indicators for the FAPs – State ST&I Foundations in Brazil (SIFAPS - CONFAP, since 2009). He is the founder and a researcher at the Instituto Stela, in collaboration with the EGC/UFSC. He is a member of technical-scientific committees (including CAPES , FAPESC , FAPEMIG , IEL , SBGC). His academic profile includes more than 480 coauthors, with more than 200 publications (including articles, books, chapters and proceedings), and software and technical advisory activities and scientific-technical cooperation (including the organization of several events). He supervised 30 master's theses, 22 PhD dissertations and 31 undergraduate projects.



How to Cite

Lacerda, L. L. L. de, da Costa, A. E., Augusto Biz, A., & dos Santos Pacheco, R. C. (2023). PAPÉIS DO CONHECIMENTO NA APLICAÇÃO DA TEORIA DO COMMONS PARA DESTINO TURÍSTICO SUSTENTÁVEL: POSSÍVEIS APLICAÇÕES DA GESTÃO DO CONHECIMENTO. International Congress of Knowledge and Innovation - Ciki, 1(1).

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