Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Proceedings of the XI International Congress on Knowledge and Innovation (ciKi)

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Proceedings of the XI International Congress on Knowledge and Innovation (ciKi)

The International Congress of Knowledge and Innovation (ciKi) is an itinerant event promoted by the Graduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management at the Federal University of Santa Catarina and has already passed through Brazil, Spain, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico and Panama.

With the theme “DIGITAL SOCIETY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, the 11th edition of the International Congress of Knowledge and Innovation (ciKi) took place on November 18 and 19, 2021, in virtual mode, in the city of Maringá, state of Paraná ( Brazil).

CiKi 2021 is locally organized by the Graduate Program in Knowledge Management in Organizations (PPGGCO) at Cesumar University (Unicesumar).

The Professional Graduate Program, in a National Network, in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT) of the UEM focal point and the University of the Midwest of Paraná (UNICENTRO) also collaborated.

The Foundation for Supporting Scientific and Technological Development of Paraná (Fundação Araucária) and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) supported the event.

Good reading.

Prof. Dr. Fernando Gauthier - EGC / UFSC

Coordinator of the ciKi 2021 Scientific Committee

Editor-in-chief: Ronnie Carlos Tavares Nunes


Edimeia Liliani Schnitzler

Girlane Almeida Bondan

Jennifer Ribas Reichert

Mariângela Poleza

Natana Lopes Pereira

Pablo Ernesto Vigneaux Wilton

Paulo César Lapolli

Ranieri Alves dos Santos

Rita Lucia Bellato

Tati Tozzi

Scientific Committee ciKi 2021:

Ariane Espindola

Denise Ouriques Medeiros

Edimeia Liliani Schnitzler

Girlane Almeida Bondan

Jennifer Ribas Reichert

Mariângela Poleza

Natana Lopes Pereira

Pablo Ernesto Vigneaux Wilton

Paulo César Lapolli

Ranieri Alves dos Santos

Rita Lucia Bellato

Ronnie Carlos Tavares Nunes

Tati Tozzi

Published: 2022-03-16

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