Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Proceedings of the XII International Congress on Knowledge and Innovation (ciKi)

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Proceedings of the XII International Congress on Knowledge and Innovation (ciKi)

The International Congress on Knowledge and Innovation (ciKi) is an inter-American event that aims to promote the conceptual, methodological and practical development of Knowledge Management, Intellectual Capital and Innovation Management. Throughout its history, this congress has consolidated itself as a forum for the exchange of ideas, experiences, strategies and relevant trends to promote the development of innovative ecosystems and environments, constituting a great opportunity for researchers, academics, graduate students , leaders and innovation managers to present the results of their research and experiences at an international event.

The 12th edition of ciKi is held in a hybrid modality, under the theme Innovation and Inclusion: Generating Value for Social Development, coordinated by the Inter-American Higher Education Organization (OUI), the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico (TEC de Monterrey), the in Engineering and Knowledge Management (EGC) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil (UFSC), and the Technological Sciences Park of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (TECNOPUC), in alliance with numerous higher education institutions and organizations committed to the development of innovation in the Americas.

Good reading.

Prof. Dr. Fernando Gauthier - EGC / UFSC

Chair of ciKi 2022



Marcelo Macedo

Ronnie Carlos Tavares Nunes 

Vinicius Faria Culmant Ramos


Editor-in-Chief: Ronnie Carlos Tavares Nunes


Adão Daniel da Silva

Ana Juliana Fontes da Silva

Árllon Chaves Lima

Débora Cardoso da Silva

Dalner Barbi

Edilene Cavalcanti dos Anjos

Francyne dos Passos Soares

Luiza Mendes Degraf

Natana Lopes Pereira

Tatiana Tozzi

Thalita Bez Batti de Souza


ciKi Scientific Commission 2022:

Coordination: Prof. Dr. Fernando Gauthier


Adão Daniel da Silva

Ana Juliana Fontes da Silva

Árllon Chaves Lima

Débora Cardoso da Silva

Dalner Barbi

Edilene Cavalcanti dos Anjos

Luiza Mendes Degraf

Natana Lopes Pereira

Thalita Bez Batti de Souza

Published: 2023-02-15

Full Paper